Sharks Ice San Jose has programs for adult hockey players of all levels.

Adult Beginner Hockey (for true beginners) and Adult Intermediate (for those with more experience) plus Adult Learn to Skate are offered to players looking to improve their basic skills. These 1-hour sessions are offered in 6-week blocks. New classes are on an ongoing basis.

For many, our Adult Hockey Classes are taken in preparation for play in our Sharks Ice Adult Hockey League (SIAHL). Though it is not mandatory for new players to follow the entire class progression listed below, we do recommend taking all of the classes in order for the player to maximize their enjoyment in the sport.

Adult Learn to Skate

Tuesday 7:30pm-8:30pm & Saturday 9:25am-10:25am
Class will cover basic skating skills.

Adult Hockey 101

Mondays 8:00pm or 9:30pm (Alternating each week)

Hockey 101 is maniacally focused on integrating new adult hockey players into our League. This is a twelve (12) week program where, at the conclusion of the class, players will receive a jersey and will either form a new team or be added to an existing team roster in SIAHL Division 9. Players will work on fundamental skills such as skating, puck handling/passing, shooting as well as player positioning, breakouts, regroups, changing on the fly etc.

This class is designed for true novice players (i.e. individuals coming out of the Adult Learn to Skate class). Individuals should have little to no prior hockey skills experience.

Adult Beginner Hockey

Saturday 6:00am-7:00am
Class will focus primarily on the basic skills.

Adult Intermediate Hockey

Saturday 7:15am-8:15am
Basic skills will be covered, along with hockey concepts and positioning.

Adult Advanced Hockey

Thursday 8:45pm-10:00pm
Hockey concepts and positioning combined with full ice drills and conditioning.