Free Agents
Are you looking for a team to play on?
Individuals without teams who are looking to play are welcome to join our free agent list. Skill levels range from pure beginner in our Division 9 levels all the way up to our elite Division 1 level. Prior to joining the beginner league, players should complete at least one level of adult hockey lessons. Schedule averages one game per week.
All registration is done online via our online free agent registration link. Please read through the information below as well as the FAQ section that will answer all your questions on how to joining a league
- Information that will be requested:
- Desired level of play (see below)
- Hockey Experience/Skill Level
- Contact information: full name, e-mail, phone number
- Position played
- Important notes
- Valid and current USA Hockey Number
This information will then be displayed for our captains to see via our secure on-line system. Captains will have access to your contact information and experience level. They will contact you directly to determine if you will be able to join their team. In general please allow 1-2 weeks for this process. The beginnings of the seasons are the best time to find a team.
Basic Season Information For Free Agents*:
- Fall Season: September through January (15 games + playoffs) cost: $500 (approximately)
- Winter/Spring season: January through May (15 games + playoffs) cost: $500 (approximately)
- Summer season: May through August (15 games + playoffs) cost: $500 (approximately)
*Individual player costs are set by teams as teams pay a team fee. Your captain will inform you what your individual fee will be.
You will need to register with USA Hockey prior to registering as a free agent with the SIAHL. Once you find a team, you must provide your USA Hockey number to the team captain; and complete Sharks Ice Online Ice Waiver (available on link section below).
Please note that finding a full-time spot for goalies is extremely limited. If you are looking to be a goalie sub in the list as well, please email scorekeeper supervisor Morgan Stace
Division level Break Down (approximately):
- Division 1: Elite
- Division 2 & 3: Upper Advanced
- Division 4: Advanced
- Division 5: Intermediate
- Division 6: Lower Intermediate/ High Beginner
- Division 7 & 8: Beginners
- Division 9: Pure Beginners
If you are unsure which level you should be playing in, our league highly recommends watching some games to get a feel for the level of play. View a current schedule.
You may also consider attending Drop-In or Gretzky Hour (open stick time) to get a feel for levels and meet other players who might have openings on their teams. View Drop-In/Gretsky Hour Schedule.
Senior League
For those over the age of 35, you may consider our Senior League. The Over-35 division plays all of its games on Tuesday nights and the Over-50 division plays on Thursday nights. You are placed on a team by the League supervisor. Skill levels generally range from Lower Advanced to Lower Intermediate.
More information about our Senior League can be found on the Senior League page.
Frequently Asked Questions for Free Agents
Will the League place me on a team?
No, when you are placed on the Free Agent list, Captains from various teams in the league will contact you if they need players. You will deal directly with team captains.
I am a goalie looking to play. How do I join a team?
Use the same Free Agent forms that players use, except list that you are a goalie. Finding spots for goalies can be difficult, however you can ask to be placed on a Goalie Substitue list. This list is available to all SIAHL team captains. To be placed on the Goalie Sub list, please contact Scorekeeper Supervisor Morgan Stace with your contact information and ability level.
How much does it cost to play?
The league charges each team a league fee. Each captain sets the amount they charge per player based on the amount of players they have and if they have part-time or full-time spots. Costs for the fall season average is $450, winter/spring season average $500, and the summer season $500, however each team amounts will be different as captains divide their amounts based on number of the players they have.
Is there any refund if I am unable to complete a season?
No, we do not refund any league dues. Once you commit to a team and make a payment it is considered final.
How do I pay?
Once a team has confirmed that they want you on their roster, the captain will direct you to an online payment system that we have set up for their team.
What else do I need?
You will need USA Hockey number/insurance and a signed Sharks Ice at San Jose Ice Waiver before you play your first game. Your USA Hockey number must be emailed to your captain to be placed on the roster, and the Ice Waiver must be completed online prior to your first game.
How many games do we play?
Each season will consist of 15 games (1 preseason game then 14 regular season games) then playoff games if your team qualifies for no additional cost.
How do I determine what level I should play?
On the free agent list it has recommended levels for all players. Some players who have played their whole lives are intermediate level players; and some who have just started to play are advanced level players. It is best to come to the rink and watch a few games. The schedule is available online with dates/times/levels. It is also highly recommended that you attend an open stick time Gretzky Hour or Drop-In Hockey. You can talk to people there who are in the league and get a feel for what level you might belong. You also may find a team like this! Gretzky Hour and Drop-In slots are available, view slots.
What nights of the week will I play? What are the time slots?
In general Division 1 will play Wednesday/Thursday, Divison 2-4 will play Thursday through Saturday, and Division 5 and below will play Saturday through Tuesday with the majority on Sunday evenings. Games can start from 7:30pm-11:15pm on weekdays and from 9am-11:30pm on weekends. Game slots are 1 hour and 15 minutes. The schedule link above is a good way to view a team's current schedule and get a feel for the season. The summer season tends to have earlier start times than the winter season.
How will I know my season schedule?
The season schedule is posted online and is updated as games are scheduled.
Does the league keep track of stats?
Yes, the schedule and stats are on the same link. By clicking on a game you can see what stats were recorded for each game.
When do the seasons start?
A winter/spring league starting in January, a summer league starting in May, and a fall league starting in September.
When can I register as a free agent? How long does it take to find a team?
You can start entering your free agent information one month prior to the start of a season. Depending on the level, it could take 2-3 weeks to find a team. Since this depends on teams and team captain needs, it can vary widely.
If I have never played hockey before, how do I start?
If you are new to the sport, before joining a SIAHL team, it is highly recommended that you take one of our hockey classes before attempting to play. We have beginning hockey classes on Saturday morning. For more information please visit the Adult Lessons webpage.
What is the Over-35 League?
The Over-35 League is designed for players over the age of 35 that wish to play in a non-competitive hockey game once a week. Teams are determined by the league (rather than by team captains) and all games are on Tuesday nights. The league follows the 24 game winter and 18 game summer schedule of the other leagues. All registration is done online and more information can be found on our Senior League page.
Is there any open ice available to practice?
Yes, we have open puck and stick times called Gretzky Hour as well as Adult Drop-In pick up games open to all levels. In general we have Drop-In Monday through Friday from 12:00pm-1:30pm and in the summer we have occasional night time Drop-In available. Read more information about schedule and registration on Drop-In on our calendar page.
Is there checking allowed?
No checking is allowed at any level.
Is fighting allowed?
No. Fighting is not tolerated and will result in suspensions.
Are there payment plans?
No, there are no payment plans. All payments must be made in full as directed by your team captain.
What are the league rules?
It is the responsibility of all players to know and abide by the rules.
What gear do I need to play?

All players in the SIAHL are required to wear full equipment mandated by USA Hockey.
- Hockey Stick
- Suspenders or garter belt
- Hockey skates
- Hockey pants
- Helmet
- Athletic supporter with cup or pelvic protector
- Elbow Pads
- Jersey
- Shoulder pads
- Gloves
- Socks
- Shin guards
- Face mask/shield and Mouthguard
- All players must wear a full-face mask for all Divisions 6, 7, 8, and 9
- All players must wear a full-face mask or half shield (with mouthguard) for Divisions 4 and 5
- Players are not required to wear a full-face mask, half shield or mouthguard for Divisions 1, 2, and 3
Please reference SIAHL league rules for more complete player and goalie requirements.
Can I rent gear?
We do not rent any gear. You can purchase all gear at our Pro Shop.